JKV Capital

Residential Real Estate Service and Management

About JKV Capital
JKV Capital had dedicated local teams that researched market trends and consumer preferences to provide tenants and potential owners with high-quality homes, ensuring significant value for investors. The regional approach allowed the company to respond quickly in competitive markets, making better purchase decisions that created immediate value for investors.

Part of its strategy involved identifying distressed single-family and small multi-family residential opportunities in core Southern California markets. The company facilitates short-term investments through an integrated platform, which adds immediate asset value. The portfolio comprised residential assets in various renovation stages, with exit price underwriting between $750,000 and $1.5 million.

JKV Capital also leveraged the supply-demand discrepancy in Southern California markets, purchasing assets below replacement cost in high-demand sub-markets. The company routinely paid quarterly dividends, outperforming its peers.

Additionally, they partner with select clients to manage distressed residential situations, aligning with long-term goals and objectives. Their comprehensive property and asset management services enable the stabilization or disposition of individual assets or entire portfolios, delivering optimal results even under tight deadlines.